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Everybody wants to be on the winning team. To build and grow your coaching business into a winning one, be discerning about the company you keep. There are many business coaching franchises out there but because the industry is not regulated, you need to be careful about which one you buy into.  

The best business coaches are visible, they are great thought leaders and excellent communicators. They are also savvy and know how to utilise the media, fully understand the power of marketing and social media and have success stories to tell. Importantly, they have built their reputations and credibility on strong values and walking their talk.

Benefits of Business Coaching for Your Team-2

These are the types of business coaches with whom you want to be associated. Carefully choosing the company you keep is crucial when you are buying into a business coaching franchise. So how do you choose a business coaching franchise in which to invest?

Firstly, you should create a list of your expectations. Know what you want, what you stand for and the type of coach you want to be to your clients. What do you expect from your franchisor in terms of support and training? What values are important to you? Where do you expect your business to be a year from now and in fives years?

Secondly do your research on the different business coaching franchises. You have to ensure that the franchise you choose fits your agenda and that you fit theirs. You cannot grow as a business coach or as a franchisee if your values are at loggerheads with those of the franchisor or the rest of the coaches in your network. Look carefully at what they are saying.

Here are some of the best business coaching franchises in New Zealand and Australia:

New Zealand:

  • Business Coaching New Zealand
  • People Max
  • Icehouse
  • Ilume
  • Corporate Climb Coach – Brian Martin
  • New Zealand Coaching & Mentoring Centre


  • Maxmyprofit
  • Maus Solutions
  • People Max
  • Integral
  • Omnis Group
  • Ignite Intelligence
  • Emergination
  • Bentleys.com
  • Ology business coaching
  • Leadership Management Australia
  • Market People
  • International Business Mentors
  • Leisure Seekers
  • Salix
  • Shirlaws Group
  • Kaibizzen

What differentiates ActionCOACH from the rest?

Here are ten great reasons why ActionCOACH is the best fit:

  1. The ActionCOACH brand has been internationally franchised since 1997 and currently has around 1,000 offices in 70+ countries around the world.
  2. ActionCOACH is an active member of the International Franchise Association, a member of the Franchise Council of Australia and also of New Zealand.
  3. ActionCOACH is one of the top 100 Franchises overall; one of the Top 20 Home Based Franchises and one of the Top 25 Fastest Growing Franchises.
  4. Brad Sugars, who started ActionCOACH in 1993 is rated by Influence Digest as the #1 small business coach in the world and ActionCOACH was recently ranked amongst the Most Innovative Franchise Brands of 2019 by FranchiseBusinessREVIEW
  5. Over 500,000 aspiring entrepreneurs have attended ActionCOACH’s seminars, and over 15,000 business owners across the globe each week discover that hiring an ActionCOACH Business Coach is one of the best decisions they’ve ever made.
  6. You will be part of a trusted brand name and have access to a revolutionary online portal ActionCOACH introduced in 2019 which provides business owners unprecedented, daily insights into their companies’ performance, allowing them to plan and act like never before.
  7. As an ActionCOACH franchisee, you’ll have access to more than 1,000 offices across the world, a global office and a local Master Licensee all on your teamk
  8. You’ll receive extensive training up front, as well as ongoing training and support to make sure you’re up-to-date with industry best practices.
  9. ActionCOACH offers its franchisees multiple income streams to meet the needs of businesses in your local area.

Remember that your success as a business coach depends not only on your ability to guide your clients in turning their great ideas into big business but also on your ability to grow your own winning team. Growing a winning team is much easier when you are already part of one. Choose wisely as not all coaching franchises are created equal. Click here to find out more about ActionCOACH Franchise opportunity.

Franchise Opportunities Blog Cover



Post by ActionCOACH
April 14, 2024
ActionCOACH is recognised as the creator and most successful practitioner of business and executive coaching methodology that offers owners and managers a new perspective on their businesses and companies.
